●it is controlled by microcomputer automatically,drying time,drying temperature and cooling time could be set under a variety of program,stuitable for drying clothes with different kind of material;
●inner pot is made from sus304 stainless steel,can reduce wear and tear of clothing and prolong is service life;
●the machine is stable when working,with low noise,simple to be operated,with high heating efficiency,very fast to be heated,with large opening dorr and wide view mirror,easy and quick to take clothes out of it.
型号 model gzp-50 gzp-70 gzp-100
额定容量(kg) rated capacity 50 70 100
滚笼体积(lt) drum volume 1000 140 2000
干衣时间(min) clothes time 40-60 40-60 40-60
电机功率(kw) motor power 2.2 2.2 3
加热功率(电热型kw) heater power 38 38 38
电源电压(v) power supply 280 280 280
外形尺寸(mm) 高 extermal dimension h 2210 2420 2600
深 d 1760 1650 1900
宽 w 1330 1630 1800
整体重量(kg) machine weight 620 840 1010
售后说明:保修期限按国家相关行业标准,整机质量保修期为设备安装调试好之 日起一年,终生维修。电脑板、变频器、电机、轴承保修三年,易损件不保修。
联系人:15877150589徐 13788701701黄 qq:150679087
中国 南宁